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Theophory in the Bible

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Theophory is the practice of embedding the name of a god or a deity in, usually, a proper name.[note 1] Much Hebrew theophory occurs in the Bible, particularly in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). The most prominent theophory involves names referring to:

  • El, a word meaning might, power and (a) god in general, and hence in Judaism, God and among the Canaanites the name of the god who was the father of the 70 Sons of God, including Yahweh and Baal.
  • Yah, a shortened form of Yahweh.
  • Levantine deities (especially the storm god, Hadad) by the epithet baal, meaning lord. In later times, as the conflict between Yahwism and the more popular pagan practices became increasingly intense, these names were censored and baal was replaced with bosheth, meaning "shame".

El theophory


The following is an alphabetical list of names referring to El (אל) and their meanings in Hebrew:

Root Root Meaning El theophory Meaning
Abdi (עֲבְדִּי) My Servant Elabdi/Abdiel My God serves/Servant of God
Abi (אֲבִי) My Father Elabi/Abiel My God is my Father/My Father is God
Abima (אֲבִֽימָ) A Father Elabima/Abimael My God is a father/A Father sent from God
Adbe (אַדְבְּ) Discipline Eladbe/Adbeel My God disciplined me/Disciplined of God[1]
Adi (עדי) Ornament, Jewel Eladi/Adiel Ornament of God
Adri (עדרי) Flock, Herd, Pack Eladri/Adriel My God herds/Flock of God
Ammi (עַמִּי) My People Elammi/Ammiel People of God
Ari (אֲרִי) Lion Elari/Ariel Lion of God
Auri (אורי) Flame Elauri/Auriel My God is my Flame/Flame of God
Aza (עֲזָא) Courage Elaza/Azael Whom God 'Strengthens/Encourages'
Azaz (עֲזָאזֵ) Courage as a weakness


Elazaz/Azazel My God Strengthens me

My God is Arrogant/Arrogant to God

Azra (עֲזַרְ) Help, Assistance Elazra/Azrael My God has helped/Help of God
Barach (בָּרַכְ) Blessing Elbarach/Barachel My God has blessed/Blessed of God
Beth (בֵּית) House Elbeth/Bethel House of God
Betzal (בְּצַלְ) Shadow, Protection Elbezal/Betzalel In the 'Path/Shadow' of God
Cassi (קַצְפִּי) Wrath, Anger Elcassi/Cassiel My God is my Wrath/Wrath of God
Caftsi (קַפְצִי) Leap, Spring Elcaftsi/Caftsiel My God is my Leap/Leap of God
Casti (קסטי) Cast, Shield, Cover Elcasti/Castiel My God is my Cover/Shield of God
Dani (דָּנִיֵּ) Judgement Eldani/Daniel My God is my Judge/Judged by God

Judgement of God

Ead (עד) Eternity Elead/Eadel My God Forever
Emmanu (עִמָּנוּ) Presence Elemmanu/Emmanuel My God is 'with us/present'
Ezeki (יְחֶזְקֵ) Will strengthen Elezeki/Ezekiel God will Strengthen
Gabri (גַּבְרִי) Male, Man, Masculine, Virile Elgabri/Gabriel My God is Masculine/Man of God

My God has shown Himself Mighty

My God is Heroic/Hero of God

My God is strong/Strong one of God

Gamali (גַּמְלִי) Reward Elgamali/Gamaliel Reward of God
Hanni (חני) Glory Elhanni/Hanniel Glory of God
Iana (יעָנָה) Answer Eliana/Ianael My God Answers/Answered by God
Iezer (יעֶזֶר) Help Eliezer/Iezerel My God was my Help/Help from God
Ijah (יהו) Tetragrammaton, Yahweh, Jehovah Elijah/Ijahel My God is 'Jah/Yah'
Imelech (ימלך) Monarch, King Elimelech/Imelechel My God is my Monarch
Immanu (עִמָּנוּ) Presence Elimmanu/Immanuel My God is 'with us/present'
Isha (ישע) Salvation Elisha/Ishael My God is my Salvation/Salvation of God
Ishah (ישָׁה) Rescue, to deliver Elishah/Ishahel My God is my Rescuer/Deliverance of God
Ishama (ישמע) Will Hear, Will Listen Elishama/Ishamael My God will Hear
Isheba (ישֶׁבַע) Oath Elisheba/Ishebael My God is my Oath
Isheva (ישֶׁבַע) Oath Elisheva/Ishevael My God is my Oath
Ishma (יִשְׁמָעֵ) Hearing, Listening Elishma/Ishmael Heard by God

Named by God

My God Hearkens

Ishua (אישוע) Salvation Elishua/Ishuael My God is my Salvation/Salvation of God
Isra (שָׂרָה) Struggle, Contention Elisra/Israel My God has struggled/He who struggles with God

My God strives/He who strives with God

Izabeth (יזבת) Oath Elizabeth/Izabethel My God is my Oath/Abundance of God
Jekuthi (ג'קותי) Support Eljekuthi/Jekuthiel My God will support
Jerahme (יְרַחְמְ) Pity, Mercy, Compassion Eljerahme/Jerahmeel My God pities
Jezre (יִזְרְעֶ) Will sow Eljezre/Jezreel My God will sow
Jo (יוֹ) Tetragrammaton, Yahweh, Jehovah Eljo/Joel Jah is God
Kanah (קָנָה) Purchase, Possession, Ownership Elkanah/Kanahel My God has Possessed/Possessed by God

My God has Purchased/Purchased by God

My God has Owned/Owned by God

My God has Created/Created by God

Lemu (לְמוּ) 'Go to him', Dedication Ellemu/Lemuel Dedicated to God
Mahalal (מַהֲלַלְ) Shining One Elmahalal/Mahalalel The blessed God

The shining light of God

The glory of God

Micha (מיכ) 'Who is?' Elmicha/Michael My God is like who?/Who is like God?

One who is like God

Misha (מיש) 'What is?' Elmisha/Mishael My God is like what?/Who is what God is?
Nathana (נְתַנְ) Gift Elnathana/Nathanael Given by God/God has Given, Gift of God
Nathani (נתני) Gift Elnathani/Nathaniel Given by God/God has Given, Gift of God
Nemu (נמו) Day Elnemu/Nemuel Day of God
Nuri (נוּרִי) Flame, Light, Torch Elnuri/Nuriel My God is my fire/Fire of God

My God is my light/Light of God

Ori (אוֹרִי) Light Elori/Oriel My God is my light/Light of God
Othni (עָתְנִי) Hour, Time Elothni/Othniel Hour of God
Yisra (יִשְׂרָ) To rule, have power, prevail over Elyisra/Yisrael My God rules/Prince of God
Peni (פני) Face Elpeni/Peniel Face of God
Penu (פְּנוּ) 'to turn', About-face, Sudden change Elpenu/Penuel Face of God
Phanu (פאנו) Face Elphanu/Phanuel Face of God
Rapha (רפא) Healing Elrapha/Raphael My God is Healing/Healing one of God
Reu (רְעוּ) Friend Elreu/Reuel My God is my friend/Friend of God
Ragu (רְעוּ) 'to pasture' (like a shepherd) Elragu/Raguel My God shall pasture/Pasturer of God
Samu (שְׁמוּ) Name Elsamu/Samuel Name/Heard of God
Shealti (שְׁאַלְתִּי) 'I asked' Elshealti/Shealtiel I asked God [for this child]
Uri (אוּרִי) Flame, Light, Flare Eluri/Uriel My God is my Sun/Sun of God

My God is my Light/Light of God

My God is my Fire/Fire of God

Uzzi (עֻזִּי) Power, Strength Eluzzi/Uzziel Power from God

Incorrect El theophory


The name Abel, which appears to refer to El, in fact is not an instance of theophory. Abel can be translated as "breath", "temporary" or "meaninglessness" and is the word translated as "vanity" in Ecclesiastes 1:2 in the King James Version.

The name Jael also appears to refer to El in English, but contains ayin rather than the aleph of El.

The name Eli also appears to refer to El in English, but contains ayin rather than aleph.

The name Rachel also appears to refer to El in English, but contains chet.

Shaddai theophory


The following is an alphabetical list of names referring to Shaddai and their meanings in Hebrew:

ZurishaddaiShaddai is my rock

Yah theophory


The following is an alphabetical list of names referring to Yah/Yahweh and their meanings in Hebrew:

AbiahYahweh is my father
AbijahYahweh is my father (2 Chron. 13:3)
Adaiahornament of Yahweh
Adonijahmy lord is Yahweh
Ahaziahvision of Yahweh
Ahiahbrother of Yahweh
Ahijahbrother of Yahweh
AmariahYahweh says; integrity of Yahweh
Amaziahstrength of Yahweh
AnaniahProtected by Yah
AthaliahYahweh is exalted
AzariahYahweh has helped
BathiahDaughter of Yah
BealiahYahweh is Lord[2]
Dodavah(u)Beloved of Yahweh
ElijahMy God is Yah
HananiahYahweh is gracious
GedaliahYahweh is great
HezekiahYahweh has strengthened
Hodaviah/HodiahGive thanks to Yahweh, The splendour of Yahweh
IsaiahSalvation of Yahweh
IsshiahYahweh exists
JeconiahYahweh has firmly established
JedaiahYah knows
JedidiahBeloved of Yah
JehiahYahweh lives
JehoiachinYahweh is firmly established
JehoiadaYahweh knows
JehoshaphatYahweh is judge
JehoshebaYahweh is my oath
JehozadakRighteous is Yahweh
JekamiahYahweh raises
JeremiahYah exalts
JeshaiahSalvation of Yahweh
JoabYahweh is father
JochebedYahweh is glory
JoelYahweh is El/God
JohnYahweh is gracious
Jonathangift of Yahweh
JoshuaYahweh saves/is (my) Saviour/Salvation or Yahweh is lordly (Niqqud dependent)
Josiahsupported of Yahweh
MalchijahYahweh is king
MicaiahWho is like Yahweh
MatityahuGift from Yah
NeariahServant of Yahweh
NedabiahYahweh impels
NehemiahYah comforts
Nethaniahgift of Yahweh
ObadiahYahweh's servant or worshiper
PedaiahRedemption of Yahweh
PelatiahYah has delivered
PelaiahYah has distinguished
PelaliahYah has judged
PekahiahYah has observed
ReaiahYahweh has seen
RephaiahYah has healed
SeraiahServant/prince of Yahweh
ShecaniahOne intimate with Yahweh
ShephatiahJudged of Yahweh
ToviahGood of Yahweh or Yahweh is Good
UriahMy light is Yahweh
UzziahYahweh is my strength
Zebadiah, ZabdiGift of Yahweh
Zedekiahjustice of or righteous is Yahweh
ZephaniahYahweh hides or protects
ZechariahYahweh remembers

Baal theophory


Ba'al is a generic term meaning master; it can also be translated "Lord". In the Bible, it is frequently a reference to Hadad, although it is sometimes used to refer to other specific deities, including Yahweh (referred to as Ba'al Yahweh), and on other occasions is used to refer to an arbitrary lord of this area.

The following is an alphabetical list of names referring Ba'al, and their meanings in Hebrew:

Baalah – her lord; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse
Baalath – a rejoicing; our proud lord
Baalath-Beer – subjected pit
Baal-berith – lord of the covenant
Baale – same as Baalath
Baal-gad – lord Gad, or lord of Gad, or lord of fortune/felicity
Baal-hamon – he who rules a crowd
Baal-hanan – Ba'al is gracious
Baal-hermon – lord of destruction / of a cursed-thing
Baali – my lord; lord over me
Baalim – lords; masters; (later Jewish use: false gods)
Baalis – a rejoicing/proud lord
Baal-meon – lord/master of the house
Baal-Peor – master of Peor; master of the opening
Baal-perazim – lord of divisions
Baal-shalisha – the lord that presides over three; the third idol
Baal-tamar – master of the palm-tree
Baal-zebub – lord of the fly (satirical corruption of Ba'al-zebul - lord of princes)
Baal-zephon – the lord/possession of the north/hidden/secret
Jerub-baal – the lord contends



In later biblical and Jewish writing, some of the theophories in Ba'al were bowdlerised, with ba'al replaced by bosheth ((the) shameful (thing)):

Ishbosheth, from Ishba'al, man of ba'al.
Jerubbeshet, from Jerubbaal "Ba'al contends"
Mephibosheth, from Mephibaal "from the mouth of Ba'al"

Yam theophory


Yam is the Canaanite god of the Sea.

Abiyam – My father is Yam (1 Kgs. 14:31)

Zedek theophory


Zedek (or Sydyk or Sedek) was the name of a Phoenician deity worshiped in Canaan. In Hebrew, "tzedek" (from the root tz-d-k) means "righteous".

The following is an alphabetical list of names referring Zedek, and their meanings in Hebrew:

Melchi-zedek – My king is Zedek
Adoni-zedek – My lord is Zedek



Apart from oblique references to Hadad by means of the word ba'al, some theophory references him directly:

HadadezerHadad is my help
Rib-HaddaGreat is Hadad
Ben-hadadSon of Hadad


AsenapparAshur is creator of an heir
BelshazzarBel, protect the king
ChedorlaomerServant of Lagamar
NebuchadnezzarNabu, preserve my firstborn son
SennacheribSin has replaced brothers
ShalmaneserShulmanu is the best

See also



  1. ^ From the Greek θεοφορία from θεοφόρος from Θεός "God" and φόρος "bearer" from φέρειν "to bear"; confer Φωσφόρος.


  1. ^ "Adbeel" retrieved from "Strong's Concordance with Hebrew and Greek Lexicon"
  2. ^ Orr, James, M.A., D.D. General Editor. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "Bealiah" (1915). [1]